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Stands for a sustainable future

With a focus on healthy people, a clean environment and social trust. We facilitate our clients in this. At the same time, we concretise these ambitions in our own organisation. Winning externally means starting internally. That is CONTRAST.


1. We offer a healthy work environment with plenty of space for meeting and relaxing. We only come to the office if the assignment or the team requires it, resulting in less travel and a better work-life balance.
2. We work in accordance with the CSR guidelines and prefer to choose knowledge partners and clients who share our vision of a sustainable future.
3. We subscribe to the Broad Code of Responsible Market Conduct, or the Facility Services Code, for healthy contracts and working conditions.
4. We are a partner of JINC and, together with companies and schools, fight for a society where your background does not determine your future.


Edvard Munchweg 61 1328 MK Almere +31 036 303 0500

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